Crowndog's avatar
Contributing Cover User
13 years ago

Sales: Send invoice with an external attachment

I am really embracing Live Accounts, i am actually enjoying my MYOB again.

 I would love it if i could send my invoice email with attachments, at this stage the customisation of the invoices is no where near what i need, but if i could add the excel PDF included as an attachment, i could send the basic invoice from MYOB with all the included ionformation inside.

 Just a thought.



"Send invoice email with attachments"


  • Hi. The link to 'invoicing improvements you've been waiting for' doesn't work..... 

    where/how do I add the attachment to the email?

  • Suja_P's avatar
    Former Staff

    Sorry about that, AndrewATPL. I've corrected the link to the Essentials Blog in my previous post. The blog has detailed instructions on adding attachments to an email. Do post again should you have any further queries.

  • HI


    In Essentials you can add an attachment to an Invoice when emailing it to a client.  What would be fantastic is to be able to View the attachement in Essentials afterwards.


    A good example of this is client who specialises in Homekill butchery gets a document from their client on how they want the processing done.  They will then attach a copy of the document to the email to the client.  

    When reviewing the invoice it would greatly improve the workflow to be able to view the emailed attachement.

  • To save time and space to physically store invoices, we would really love to have a system where at the end of each month receipts can be scanned/snapped and attached to its transaction accordingly. There, the ink doesnt fade, and it can be printed off at any time for warrenty purposes etc and you know exactly where it is, should you need to find it! Vote for this idea team! lets get the ball rolling!

    • SJC88's avatar
      Cover User

      I did notice that someone posted a similar idea back in 2013, it had 51 votes and was "under review"

  • hi team,

    why not provide the option for myob essentials in-tray to create a new invoice , eg from an invoice book to an existing invoice rather than limit it to expenses.