Forum Discussion

Nadia_A's avatar
Cover User
2 years ago

How to fix STP End of Payroll Year accepted with errors

The ATO reported that we didn't finalize our STP for the last financial year, 2021/2022. However, all employees' final indicators are ticked under the EOFY finalization tab.


Under STP reports, the finalization event shows the "accepted with errors" status. In addition, the details section states, "A field contains invalid data (such as letters in numeric or date field). ATO error code: CMN.ATO.GEN.XML03).

I then looked at which fields get reported through STP to the ATO and checked all the relevant fields for that employee. All the fields contain the correct data in the appropriate places, and I cannot figure out where it has letters in the numeric or date field.

However, the reporting of that employee is a mess. Although he got income during that financial year, the Gross YTD contains $0; the PAYG withholding YTD includes the correct amount. All the data is correctly entered in MYOB and was reported during the year without errors.

The employee left our business at the end of January 2022. We implemented STP Phase 2 around April 2022. Is it possible that the implementation of STP Phase 2 messed up the STP finalization of that employee?

What is the solution?

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  • Hello Nadia_A 


    Thank you for your post. 

    The XLM03 error code indicates there are one or more invalid characters in the information coming through to the ATO based on their acceptance parameters. This could be in your personal details, phone number, bank details etc. and can be a character or space. For example:


    • 4-5 Main Street or 4/5 Main Street may not be accepted, but 4 5 Main Street would
    • (01)900900909 as a phone number may not be accepted, but 01099099090 would
    • And other characters like *s and &s
    • Check for unnecessary spaces, for example, if indicates a space, 4.5.Main..Street. may not be accepted due to two spaces between Main Street, and an unnecessary space after Street

    Assuming you have checked everything in the employee cards though, we found one other example of this error message relating to a user having signed up for STP using a Registered Agent Number as a BAS Agent (8 digit number) but there was a discrepancy there; either the number was incorrect or it did not match the registered name. This would be something else to check.

    I would also suggest checking out the payroll category names by going to the Payroll menu and under Payroll categories. As invalid characters listed here can also be causing this error to pop up.