Forum Discussion

JAW1's avatar
Contributing User
2 years ago

Payroll Activities and Activity categories

Hi all,


we are using Account Right Premier,


we are a business that has staff work on multiple awards and as staff can work 24/7, weekends, public holidays this has led to a long list of payroll categories being developed especially as award changes and award increases are introduced.

On the other side this has led to a long list of  activity categories for sales.


Is it possible to delete old payroll categories or update them with new amount details or once used must they remain on the system?

I can see that the activity categories can be made inactive but is it also possible to delete unused categories?


I have seen that part of my question has been addressed in a past post in 2020 but wondered if there had been further updates


Thank you in advance

2 Replies

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  • LRBooks61's avatar
    Ultimate Cover User


    Once a category is set up you can change the value as the award changes 


    So if different awards have different categories then set them up that way


    If the rate is the same eg working on a public holiday is 2.5 times the normal rate then you just need to set that up across the board, just as you would for OT 1.5 or Overtime 2, if you set it up as rate X hourly rate it calculates this for each employee based on their rate of pay


    You can't delete any payroll categories that have been used BUT you can make them inactive. Any that have not been used should be able to be deleted.


    Not sure what you mean about sales and activity categories though sorry. 


    Hope this helps a little











    • JAW1's avatar
      Contributing User

      Hello Lisa,


      thank you for your reply and helpful advice.

      Thank you for the confirmation that we cannot delete payroll categories already used and the advice we need to look at new ways to name the payroll categories  and not include the dollar amount in the name so they can be updated without  forever creating new payroll categories. 

