Forum Discussion

jdillon's avatar
Experienced User
2 years ago

summary of payments not alligning with payroll Activity report

After 3 days I still have the one employee still incorrect in the summary of payments - it is out by her base salary for the year - it only shows her final payment of unused annual leave and leave loading which is not and ETP.  I just keep checking to see if its miraculously fixed itself - no idea what to do next as I have done everything and more than suggested.  I am on STP Phas 2 and have done numerous reversals, 0 pay runs etc and still no change.  

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  • jdillon's avatar
    Experienced User

    No my one employee is still incorrect in the summary of payments - it is out by her base salary for the year - it only shows her final payment of unused annual leave and leave loading which is not and ETP.  I just keep checking to see if its miraculously fixed itself - no idea what to do next as I have done everything and more than suggested.

    • jdillon's avatar
      Experienced User

      I have just done a pay run for the one terminated employee for her base salaray gross wages to see if that then appears on the ATO year to date verification report - the employee is chasing her payment summary.  After sending to the To it has been accepted and now the year to date verification report includes the base gross salary of the employee and the employee payment summary shows the correct amounts.  I know my myob will be out  but that is something the accountant could work out.  MYOB people I would appreciate you comments on this.  

      • jdillon's avatar
        Experienced User

        I then did a pay run for the employee in the negative amount of gross base salary so my myob was correct - I just didnt post this to the ATO.  MYOB people please advise .