Forum Discussion

Shelley73's avatar
Contributing User
2 years ago

Exporting in a CSV file


We are trying to export our Items (inventory) so we can upload it to our website, we have been asked for a CSV files, but i cant see how to get this?

Also we need to be able to delete some items that we dont want to upload to our website.

And also, can we upload the photos that we have load on each item....? cant work that out either....

Is there a phone number to talk to some one? Located in ChCh

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  • Hi Shelley73 


    AccountRight allows users to export out records from their company file such as items through the File>>Import/Export Assistant. Using this process the system will generate a text file (txt). The separation of that text file, be it commas or tabs, will be based on what option you do select in Step 3 of the process - Format. 


    So if you are after a list of your items separated by commas then you want to use that export option and select to export using the commas option. This will generate a text file which most systems will be able to handle. If you fully require only a csv file it would need to be opened in Excel and then saved as such.


    Should you need more assistance with exporting records check out Help Article: Exporting data