Forum Discussion

wenlow's avatar
Contributing Cover User
3 years ago

In tray for sales

Come on MYOB - we have been asking for the ability to attach PDF documents to sales since 2015 and still there has been no change.  And the price of MYOB just keeps on going up.  


Xero has always had this function in place.  Why is it so hard to organise this?  Wen 

3 Replies

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  • Sam_R's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi wenlow,


    Thank you for your post, we do appreciate your feedback on this.


    Our development team constantly reviews suggestions that come through on the forum, and while they are working to provide the best experience for our users, we are unable to provide a time frame on when this feature will be available.

    • wenlow's avatar
      Contributing Cover User

      Thank you Sam 


      It is of no comfort though.  Attaching documents to Sales is not an "idea"  or a "suggestion" 

      It is a working piece of software in Xero and MYOB have the same system for Purchases. 


      I find it difficult to believe that the development team even have this on thier slate.  I suspect it has gone into the same bin as the timesheet debarkle.  


      It is very unsatisfactory





      • Patches's avatar
        Cover User

        I have also asked many times to have this implemented, it would be great to have what we attach to the emails be accessable form the invoices or quotes within MYOB that have been sent. As we have it in the purchases and Banking, how hard is it to get into sales!!