Forum Discussion

ianed's avatar
Experienced User
5 years ago

Deleting Unprocessd Electronic Payments

Hi,   Hoping someone can give me an easy way to do this. Here is what I sent to Chat (but didn't get a reply):   Ian Hi, in Account Right 19 is there an easier way to delete Unprocessed Electron...
  • Steven_M's avatar
    5 years ago

    Hi ianed 


    There are three "true" ways to clear out the Prepare Electronic Payments window:

    • Process the transaction to a listed bank account in AccountRight. This will, in turn, generate a transaction against that account typically a withdrawal. You could potentially look at moving that balance to another account through a journal entry but best speak to an accountant in relation to that.
    • Edit the transactions in that window so that they don't appear in that window i.e. update the bank account on the transaction to be a different account.
    • Delete the transactions in that window so they don't show as paid.

    All of these options do have a flow-on effect to an account or will impact the file in some way (i..e deleted payments will make the purchases open...). This brings the other method into play, which I have listed below for you:

    1. Create a new bank account - Accounts>>Accounts List>>New - give the account a number, name and set the account type to be Bank.
    2. Once created go to Setup>>Linked Accounts>>Accounts and Banking.
    3. Set the Bank Account for Electronic Payments to be that newly created account.

    As the system will look for all transactions in that Bank Account for Electronic Payments to populate the Prepare Electronic Payments window, updating that to be a new account there will no transactions thus the window will be blank.


    In your case, it sounds like you have processed the transactions from that window. This is an acceptable method although it is worth noting that the bank account used on that transaction will have a withdrawal. This could throw out the reconciliation of that account. You may want to speak to an accountant about recording a journal entry to debit that bank account to create a deposit transaction to cancel out the withdrawal. The other option would be to delete the generated electronic payment and use the change the Bank Account for Electronic Payments process to clear that window.