Forum Discussion

SusieExpTech's avatar
Experienced Cover User
5 years ago

Error in STP lodged with ATO - Pay run error, reported same pay run to ATO twice



I have entered a payroll. We use ABA files to pay payroll. In the process of completing a payroll run my computer froze and I lost the ABA file that should have been saved, and it was unable to be retrieved. SO I deleted my "Process Payroll" run and re-entered it.


"Process Payroll" had already asked me to report to ATO before the ABA file fiasco.


I ran my payroll again as normal, including reporting - not thinking to check the Payroll Reporting first from the first entry.


THEREFORE: MYOB has reported to the ATO twice and the ATO accepted twice. Same payroll week. Same pay day. We thought surely it would not be accepted as it was a double up of the exact same pay run - but both were accepted.


We waited for end of month (July) to see if it would correct itself.... It doesnt do that.


What do I do now?

  • Neil_M's avatar
    5 years ago

    HI SusieExpTech 


    Yes, having two entries that have been reported to the ATO means that they have received both entries. However this does not mean that the ATO’s records are double what they should be for this day.


    Instead each report to the ATO will send the YTD figures in the file at that point in time. As the first pay has been deleted and replaced with the second pay transaction this will have updated the YTD figures within your file.


    When that second STP report was lodged with the ATO the YTD figures in your file at that time was sent through to the ATO. So from the ATO’s perspective they have received two reports in the same day stating what the YTD figures for that employee now are

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  • Neil_M's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi SusieExpTech 


    When you report through STP it is sending the YTD figures in the file at that point in time. So if you reported a pay through STP, deleted that pay inside your AccountRight and then redid the pay and reported it, then the ATO would have the correct figures.


    As the YTD figures would be reduced when the pay was deleted, the second pay would return the YTD figures to what they should have been, not doubled or incorrect. Because of this the ATO basically receives two sets of instructions that say the YTD figures for this employee are now X.


    With STP the key thing to ensure is that ideally when reporting the most recent pay that the YTD figures are correct. If not you can fix them through another pay and report that. Reporting the same pay twice wont typically break the ATO’s system with incorrect information

    • SusieExpTech's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      When I open my Payroll Reporting Centre it shows both entries as accepted.


      Does that not mean that the ATO have record of two payrolls being processed that day?

      • Neil_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        HI SusieExpTech 


        Yes, having two entries that have been reported to the ATO means that they have received both entries. However this does not mean that the ATO’s records are double what they should be for this day.


        Instead each report to the ATO will send the YTD figures in the file at that point in time. As the first pay has been deleted and replaced with the second pay transaction this will have updated the YTD figures within your file.


        When that second STP report was lodged with the ATO the YTD figures in your file at that time was sent through to the ATO. So from the ATO’s perspective they have received two reports in the same day stating what the YTD figures for that employee now are