Cant find spend money transaction
I made a purchase and made two payments for it (a second transaction was required to cover freight). It was not a purchase from a regular supplier. I uploaded the invoice via the intray and created a spend money transaction. When I tried to match it to the two payments (one at a time), an error told me that unbalanced transactions cannot be recorded.
I can do it with incomming payments but it seems not with outgoing ones????
I had trouble finding the transaction but I eventually found that I could click on the record number in the bank feed 'Allocate transaction' list to edit or delete the spend money transaction. When I did so I accitentally clicked on the record button. But I actually need to delete this transaction. Now I can't find it.
How do I find a spend money transaction that has been manually recorded?
Also, how do I allocate multiple bank feed transactions to the spend money transaction?
Hi Kelvintronic,
Thank you for your post.
If you want to find those spend money transaction, you may go Banking> Find transaction> Debits and Credits> then filter by date. Once you found the transaction you may proceed on deleting it. Please note if the transaction is from the in-tray, you may attach it directly from the bank transaction window.
Do let us know if you need further help with this.