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ACC and Holiday Pay on MYOB Payroll
One of our staff member has been on a mix of ACC (non work related injury) and pay for 12 months. At times she has been paid for by ACC on a work trial and at other times on abatement where we pay for what she worked, topped up by ACC. I have entered the hours that we have paid her on MYOB Payroll, but at times she has worked hours that are on the timesheet but not in payroll because ACC have been paying her. Below is the relevant section from the Employment NZ website. So if she takes annual leave we pay her at her ordinary weekly pay, but she is not actually accruing holiday pay at 8%? An employee's annual leave is calculated as if the employee were still working. When the employee ends their job after a period of being on ACC, the employer needs to pay any outstanding annual leave in the final pay based on gross income. The “first week compensation” paid by the employer is included in gross income. ACC compensation payments are not earnings, and are not included in gross income. Since annual leave is calculated at the higher of the average weekly earnings for the 12 months before termination or the ordinary weekly pay, if the employee has been unpaid by the employer for over a year the average weekly pay equals zero. The employer then needs to use the ordinary weekly pay, which is the amount the employee would receive for an ordinary working week. Many employees will still have an ordinary weekly pay even after being off work on ACC for a lengthy period, which is normally covered in the employment agreement. If there is nothing specified in the employment agreement, then the pattern of work and payment from when the employee was last working would decide what an ordinary weekly pay is for the employee. For example, an employee who works 40 hours a week at an hourly rate of $20 per hour would have an ordinary weekly pay of $800 despite being off work on ACC for over a year.Solved7.8KViews0likes2CommentsAdding GST to an Invoice - What am I Missing?
Hey everyone. This should be a simple one, but for some reason it isn't. I've just registered my business for GST. Added the information to MYOB, but I can't get the GST to add on to my invoices. It simply says it is inclusive of the price. Whereas I want it to show in the GST section... Please help, what simple step am I missing here?Solved4.6KViews0likes3CommentsGST Details Report not showing GST from bank payments for home office
Hi, am an MYOB newbie and trying to do my first NZ GST return since starting to use MYOB in April. I have put a number of my expenses through as bank payments rather than raising these as individual bills as I'm only claiming a percentage (home office) or they're DDs (insurance) and I don't get a regular invoice. When I run the GST report however, none of the bank payments are showing up although if I look at them individually they have GST associated to them. Any advice as to why these aren't being picked up by the report.Solved4.5KViews0likes6CommentsInterest received from Inland Revenue on GST Refund
I have received a GST refund from Inland Revenue, which includes interest over and above the return amount, for paying early. My problem is not with the original GST entry but when I enter the journal entry to clear GST collected and GST paid accounts for the return. I enter the GST collected amount, the GST Paid amount and then the GST Payments/Refunds amount (which is what I actually received). I am obviously left with the small amount of interest paid by IRD which needs a Credit transaction to balance the entry. My best thought is to enter a Credit to GST Payments & Refunds and memo it Interest Paid by IRD. Would welcome any suggestions on how others have dealt with this?Solved3.7KViews0likes3Commentsprinter not activated, error code 30
Hi there, obviously the latest Windows 10 update has affected the print function in MYOB payroll. It was working perfectly fine last pay last week. I note that Windows did an update. When I went to email the payslips it popped up with the 'printer not activated, error code 30' notification box. That meant I had to screenshot the payslips and copy and paste into an individual email to all employees. That is so time consuming and potential for huge error (hate to send wrong payslip to wrong person). So after doing that, I proceeded to process the Employment Information for filing PAYE with IRD. When I went to preview the EI_Return (clicked the button) lo and behold it also gave me the same error. Meant I couldn't print this important tax sheet which I use to verify the imported file in IRFile and to keep as a record of weekly EI Return from Payroll. I would like to have this corrected please so that next Wednesday I am not faced with the same dilemma. It has always been a real hassle to fix this and it's not an easy fix. Has often meant uninstalling and multitude of other things to remedy. Equals lots of wasted time. Will wait to hear what is required. ThanksSolved3.6KViews0likes6CommentsNZ Payroll Compliance update - April 2022
Hi Everyone The 2022 NZ compliance update is now available in MYOB ACE Payroll., MYOB Payroll (Desktop), and MYOB Essentials Payroll. This release includes key compliance changes that take effect from 1 April 2022. What’s changed: Updated ACC earner levy rate and thresholds for the 2022-2023 financial year Updated student loan thresholds for the 2022-2023 financial year Minimum wage update From 1 April 2022 the adult minimum wage will increase from $20.00 to $21.20. If you have employees on the minimum wage make sure their pay rate is updated in their software. To access the update and release notes, please visit our dedicated EOFY page.3.3KViews2likes0CommentsPayday Filing upload report errors
Hi I cant seem to upload my CSV files once they have been created from payroll into the My IR. The error coming back from my IR say errors found in uploaded file. then it lists about 50 items that need fixed before it can be uploaded. What am I doing wrong or how do i know which lines to correct in the file? I was able to upload the EMS for Feb no problem and now when I have tried to do payday filing each pay week (3) I keep getting the same message. I am lost as to how to upload these files now. Please help. ThanksSolved3.1KViews0likes9Commentspayday filing file not uploading
Hi When I try to upload my EI Employee file to IRD i get an error message. I changed the file from an xlsx file to a CSV as it wouldn't accept the xlxs. Can you pleae let me know what file should I be trying to upload and why the autoatically generated one doesn't work Thanks DonnaSolved2.9KViews0likes9CommentsPayday filing
Hi there, i have done my first pay with Payday filing. When i upload the file to MyIR i get an error message. I have attached the 2 screens that appear. It would appear the first line of the data is not correct. Can you please let me know what is going on? Cheers SarahSolved2.9KViews1like8CommentsPayday Filing new and leaving employee details
Hi there, i have created my first march pay and the payroll has created the "new and leaving employee details" file. When i go to upload it on the IRD website it comes up with an error message stating that the file should be a CSV not XSLX. Obviously i haven't chosen the fiel type, and just expected it to load using the IRD file transfer page. Can you give me a clue? Thanks SarahSolved2.8KViews0likes8CommentsProcess of balancing my GST Return
Hi I am working for an Australian company that has expanded into New Zealand. I am using AccountRight but this is the first time I am processing the GST Return for New Zealand Store. Is there an online course I can step through to show the set up and balancing of the reports to the Return. ThanksSolved2.8KViews0likes2CommentsGST return
I think that I have accidently linked the wrong MyIR login to one of my company files and now I keep getting the following error message when trying to create a new return for September: "Your GST return could not be pre-filled because Inland Revenue returned the following error(s): IRD response code: 4, Error Message: Unauthorised delegation, Error Description: No error description available." How can I rectify this situation? Is this an MYOB issue or an Inland Revenue issue? RebekahSolved2.7KViews0likes2CommentsNegative final pay
We have an employee who's final pay is in negative as he has taken time ahead. He is being paid 3 days less the -41 hours holiday pay which leaves him with only a small payout but I can't process it as a red alert says to check values. I cannot print payslip or continue. I need to pay this employee on Friday and need to show him a payslip. I have tried altering the dates and frequency and made his last pay include this weeks pay but it still won't let me process.Solved2.7KViews0likes3CommentsInvalid filing period
Hi, I have been trying to file my G.S.T Return for Dec 2019 and Jan 2020 two monthly filings, has been switched to 6 monthly filings from Feb 2020. When I do try to file the two monthly one ending Jan 2020 it comes up with the below message, I have cleared the cache and others in settings. I have always used Google Chrome. Your GST return could not be pre-filled because Inland Revenue returned the following error(s): IRD response code 104, Invalid filing period. Thanks Jeff.Solved2.6KViews0likes1CommentPremier 19.5 app has been blocked for your protection
I still have one client on this and am trying to do their accounts. I went to open a support request and it won't open one - tells me to come here. So does anyone know why I need protection (I have a copy of the client's file here so I can investigate issues - the live file is with them in another town)? So frustrating at year-end to have these issues. I'll call tomorrow when they're back on deck - but just hoped I might avoid what is sure to be a long wait - which doesn't suit my stroke-damaged brain at all. Listening to muzak is detrimental - I usually hang up with other places. Thanks - and sorry for letting off steam.Solved2.6KViews0likes5CommentsAnnual leave rate increases
Why does the annual leave rate alter with certain staff AND sometimes I am able to change it back to their ordinary rate and sometimes not? Also, we have a staff who started October 2019, has taken leave in advance. He is on a salary so his monthly payment should not change but it does, as his annual leave rate has increased and I am unable to change it. thanks, GailSolved2.5KViews0likes8CommentsResignation after ACC
We have an employee who has been off work on ACC ((work related injury) - we have agreed it was but are not 100% certain it was not an old injury) he had only been in our employeement for approximately three weeks prior to his injury late November 2022 . We paid his first week of compensation as required at 80%. He has now resigned as of the 30 August 2023. Am I right in assuming his final pay will only be a very minimal amount eg. 8% of his AWE for the three/four weeks he was physically working with us.Solved2.3KViews0likes6CommentsPayroll Error Message
Hi can someone please help me with this error message I receive from payroll every time I open the file. The file got corrupted and I had to delete it and restore it and now it comes up with this error every time. How do I confirm the payroll file?Solved2.2KViews0likes6Comments