Failed to download my data file to online
I currently use our accountright on a server with multiple computers. I am trying to put our data file online because of the STP 2 reporting.
I am on the server - no other computers running - all firewalls off - Select data file under my library - selected our data file to put online - enter all the logins and passwqrds to download - start the download then message comes up "Problem downloading this file. A connection error may have occurred. Try again later. I have tried multiple times and my computer technician has also.
Also there is under Name - Our company name - Version 2022.10 - Product Premier - Status Active.
Not sure what this company file is never used online before or maybe someone used years ago.
I tried opening it - showed User ID Administrator and asked for password - it is definately not my password I use at the moment on the network
My computer technician has been able to get a diagnostic file if you need this