Forum Discussion

Longshot's avatar
Cover User
2 years ago

Error message re Wrong Super

Hi, i have 1 staff member that gave me the wrong details for his super and now they are supposedly correct (I have actuially confirmed this with the fund themselves), but MYOB is saying "The fund can no longer receive contributions using pay superannuation.  Please edit the fund from the Superannuation Fund list window and select a valid Fund Name for it."  I have done this multiple times but nothing changes????  Does MYOB change the Super Pay retrospectively?  If not how do i fix this and why is this happening

  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi, Longshot


    Thanks for your post.


    To further assist you with this, kindly confirm the USI and SPIN of the super fund so we can check it on our end. We are looking forward to your response.


    Best regards,


    • Longshot's avatar
      Cover User

      Hi, the USI is FSF0511AU / ABN 26458298557 / SPIN PRU0188AU/40328908469247

      • Doreen_P's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi, Longshot


        Thanks for your response.


        As per checking, the super fund is still active. And since you are receiving the error message after confirming with the super fund their details, we highly recommend a new super fund within the file. To do this, please refer to the steps provided below:


        • Go to Lists > Superannuation Funds
        • Click New and then enter the needed details (you may get a warning about the name existing, you can "new" at the end of the super fund name)
        • Once done, assign the newly created super fund to the employee card. Employee card > Payroll details > Superannuation.
        • Try to process the super payment again.

        Please let us know how it goes on your end.


        Best regards,
