Forum Discussion

Enrico02's avatar
2 years ago

GST is only acceptable tax code.


I have recentlt upgraded to latest AccounRight.

GST is the only account code ac ceptable by the system when I enter transactions.

I must need to change a setting or more somewhere, but I don't know what setting/s or where to do it.

Can someone advose me please?



  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi, Enrico02


    Thanks for your post, and welcome to the MYOB Community Forum.


    If you wish to change the GST code, you may check the Help Article: GST codes for more information. Please let us know if you require further assistance with this.


    Best regards,


    • DuncanS's avatar
      Ultimate Partner

      Enrico02 Doreen_P 




      Has the issue been solved?


      It Is essential that at least 2 GST codes are operative ie GST and N-T.

      The ATO instigated Simpler BAS some years ago.


      There was a Administrative Appeal Tribunal Case recently where a Business Owner claimed GST where there was no GST eg fresh food from Woolworths. The response from the Business Owner was that the software told him too - clearly the Tribunal was not impressed.



      • Doreen_P's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi, DuncanS


        We appreciate you sharing this information. We will take note of it moving forward. Thank you for your unending support for the Community Forum.


        Best regards,


    • Can you tell me what has changed?  

      Why can't i specify a payment eg to the ATO  as NT or FRE  I keep getting errors anf I have to gey my work done!!

      he reference supplied hasmn't been helpful so far!.

      • DuncanS's avatar
        Ultimate Partner

        Enrico02 Doreen_P 




        Doreen gave you a article on Tax Codes.

        Does your Tax Code List has at least 2 Tax Codes GST and N-T?


        Have you checked your Accounts List to ensure N-T is used for GST Collected and GST Paid?


        I went to a MYOB Breakfast in Sydney last year and the Management Team "explained the benefits" of moving the Call Centre overseas. I recall one comment that the software will be developed in such a way that users may not have issues. 

        Have raised 2 Issues with MYOB that I regard to be of utmost importance being a Report Design where the ABN was duplicated and printing in MYOB Business being too light - the replies by email were somewhat impersonal and have been put "on the list".


        Xero does not have a Call Centre nor a local Community.


        Trust that I have been of assistance to you.





