Thanks Komal for the reply.
I have completed an office repair and even uninstalled and reinstalled both MYOB and MS365 with no lock.
I also did the Re-Register DLL files and Check/Fix Registry Keys options and everything is correctly pointing to version 9.6 and appearing where it should be as per the instructions.
I am confident that I have the same versions of both MYOB and MS365 on both my home and work computers but for some reason my home computer tries to process my excel export request but nothing appears. All other export options work except Excel.
I even tried a separate notebook and this worked OK so it must something different with my home computer set up?
I'm wondering if this could be a processor issue or RAM issue although saying that I dont have any other problems on this machine with anything else and there is certainly no warning messages.
Is there anything else that you can suggest to try.
Many thanks