Forum Discussion

LearnerAtMYOB's avatar
Experienced User
4 months ago

Importing Spend transactions with similar cheque numbers

Is it possible to import multiple spend transactions where each transaction uses the cheque number “BPAY”? When I tried importing the file, I received an error message saying that transactions with duplicate cheque numbers cannot be imported. Is there a way to bypass or override this duplication check?

  • Hi LearnerAtMYOB,


    The import feature only allows you to add unique transaction numbers in the file. If there is an existing transaction number similar to the transaction in your import, it will recognize this as an update and alter the existing transaction. There is no workaround to this, as this is a design choice.


    Feel free to create a new thread if you need any other help.




    • Earl_HD's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi LearnerAtMYOB,

      We're glad to hear that the solution provided by Genreve answers your question. Feel free to start a new post if you have further queries, and one of us will be happy to assist you.


  • Genreve_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi LearnerAtMYOB,


    The import feature only allows you to add unique transaction numbers in the file. If there is an existing transaction number similar to the transaction in your import, it will recognize this as an update and alter the existing transaction. There is no workaround to this, as this is a design choice.


    Feel free to create a new thread if you need any other help.




    • gavin12345's avatar
      Ultimate User

      Hi Genreve_S and LearnerAtMYOB 


      Not sure if I am on the right planet and whether you are referring to AccountRight (tag shows desktop and posted in AccountRight section) but how was this offered as a solution, accepted and endorsed by Earl_HD 


      One of the long standing issues with AccountRight that users complained about repeatedly was that when importing, AR ignored the preferences regarding warning for duplicate cheque / invoice numbers. This solution suggests a complete turn around. Not only does AR now monitor for duplicate cheque numbers when importing, it blocks the import (rather than honour the user Preferences). Or apparently will 'alter the existing transaction'.


      In AR2024.9 I just imported 4 Spend Money transactions all with Cheque No. set to BPAY. All imported without warning and showed in the transaction journal. I then set the Preference to Warn for duplicate cheque numbers and imported the same import file again, and again. My Preference setting was ignored. I now have 12 transactions, all with BPAY as the Cheque No.


      I am confused.


  • Hello Gavin, you have actually given me an idea and the solution to my problem, which is to be able to use the same cheque number (“BPAY”) !

    By using the “Import and Export Assistant” and selecting the first option (“Add the import data”), I can successfully import data even with repeated cheque numbers. However, I find this approach riskier as it doesn’t warn me about potential duplicates. Normally, I prefer to select the other option, “Reject the import data,” to avoid any issues with duplicate entries.

    I attach some diagrams as well.