MYOB Online Colour Changes
Not sure if this fits here or in the feature requests but here goes.
Is it just me or is everyone experiencing the same with the bank feeds/transaction online screen text colours.
Only a short while ago the colour scheme for MYOB online changed. In the bank feeds/transaction screen it used to be straight forward to identfy the different types/states in the Match or allocate column by their text colour. There are 'Allocate me', 'Matched to x...' and 'Possible match found' and the text was displayed in different colours for the different types/states. Now, after the colour change, the 'Possible match found' text displays in black the same as the text for 'Matched to x...'. This makes it more difficult to quickly identify the diferent state of transactions when working with the list of transactions. We often have transactions with multiple matches so I work through the direct matches first leaving a list of transactions in various matching states as I work through matching and allocating transactions of about 30 to 40 per day. It's easy to overlook a 'Possible match found' because the text colour blends in with the other transactions already marked as 'Matched/Allocated to x...' and I find myself going back and forth between Reconcilliation and Bank Feeds because I've missed a 'Possible match found'. I know this isn't a critical issue but isn't the idea of features like bank feeds to help make the process faster and more efficient. Having text in different colours was quick to visually identify the different state of the transaction and quickly action those that still needed action before reconcilling.
Anyone else experiencing the same?