Forum Discussion

Fran261064's avatar
6 months ago

Tax Rates for Holiday Maker

The MYOB AO does not have the tax calculation for Holiday Makers tax rates they are paying for. 

They are residents for tax purposes. However, when lodged, ATO wipes away their refunds for the reasons the holiday makes are paying 15% tax rates for working in Australia.

How do we lodge tax where holiday makers can get a correct refund? 

  • Hi Fran261064,


    Your MYOB AO Tax Estimate should reflect the calculation for Working Holiday Makers. If there has been a discrepancy between the estimate produced by AO and your Notice of Assessment from the ATO, we would recommend comparing your results with the ATO Calculator tool.
    You can access it here: Tax rates – working holiday maker | Australian Taxation Office (

    After comparing your MYOB AO Estimate, the NOA and the results from the ATO Calculator tool, if you find there is still an issue, or you believe the estimate produced by the software is wrong - please contact us on 1300 555 117 for further investigation.
