Forum Discussion

Stokes_Company's avatar
Experienced User
3 years ago

Cannot print previous Bank Reconcilations

Why has MYOB taken away the ability to print previous bank reconciliations?  Only being able to access the last bank reconciliation completed is highly impractical and just not feasible.  This always used to be available .  Does anyone have any insight as I cannot be completing a manual bank reconciliation for every client evey time I need to generate a bank reconcilation statement.  

  • Hi Stokes_Company 


    Previous reconciliation reports can be printed using the following process:

    1. Navigate to the Reports>>Banking>>Cheque and Deposits
    2. Select the Reconciliation Report
    3. Select Display Report
    4. Within the Report window, using the Filters toolbar, select the desired account
    5. The Dates filter will change to have the option Select by and Statement Date
      • If you want to see a past reconciliation report do select the Select by List of Recorded Statement Dates and then choose the relevant Statement Date
    6. Select Run Report

    There has been no change to the way reconciliation reports are generated in the last few updates.

    • Stokes_Company's avatar
      Experienced User

      That's worse news then as that is no longer how our Reconciliation Reports are showing in all of our clients.  I will have to get someone to try contact to sort this as this is a major issue.  


      Thanks for replying.