Forum Discussion

RoyceLithgo's avatar
10 months ago

Spend Money Import Error - "sequence contains no matching element"



I've succesfully been able to import Receive Money documents using CSV text file.

On import I enabled "Reject the import data" for duplicate handling option.

I followed a similar approach for Spend Money but it always gives me this:


Summary of errors
Error 0: Unexpected import error - Sequence contains no matching element


To prove that this doesn't work, i did an export first, which picked up an entry that was manually entered.

I editted the result and changed the date to today.

Next I tried to import the data file with all fields matched except the following:

Cheque No., Currency Code, Exchange Rate


The import fails with the sequence error. 


I found that not changing the duplicate handling option to "Reject the import data" but leaving the default "Add the import data" results in the import being successful. So the issue has to do with this feature. I would like duplicates to be rejected but it looks like there's some issue with that feature for importing Spend Money.


I am using AccountRight Premier AU 2023.9.0, build 2023.9.1.7

4 Replies

  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi RoyceLithgo,

    Thank you so much for your post and welcome to the Community Forum!

    I'm sorry for the delay in response. Other users have managed to resolve this issue. It seems that the presence of " " in the memo is causing the import to fail. Removing these symbols should help the import process run smoothly. Please remember to select "Add the import data" in the import export assistant and back up your file to prevent any chance of importing duplicates. If you opt for "Reject the import data," it might result in an "Error 0: Unexpected import error - Sequence contains no matching element."



    I've included a sample import file for your reference. Please let me know how it works for you.

    • Hi Earl,


      Thanks for your response. However, the point I was trying to make is that there is a problem in the application when you select "Reject the import data" it gives the sequence error. That error indicates a coding issue. 


      I was able to use the Reject option with the Receive Money function also. It's only Spend Money that has this issue.




      • Earl_HD's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi RoyceLithgo,

        Thank you for confirming and my apologies for the late response. When importing Spend Money, there are 3 crucial fields that need to contain valid information:

        1. Cheque Account
        2. Allocation Account No.
        3. Amount

        It seems these fields might be causing the error. To guide you through this, I suggest reviewing our Help Article, which provides detailed information about the necessary fields for importing. You can find it under "Import and export fields."


        Please do let me know how you go on this.