Forum Discussion

LindaTee's avatar
Experienced User
2 months ago

Import Error

I am trying to do an item import but keep encountering the following errors


  • Error -4065: You have sales on file for this item
  • Error -4066: You have purchases on file for this item
  • Error -4067: You have journal entries on file that use this item.
  • Error -4068: You have sales or purchases on file for this item
  • Error -4077: You have sales for this item.


Also, when I try to update some of it manually and make an item an inventory item I get the error "You have sales or purchases for this item". 


How do I bypass this? 

3 Replies

  • LindaTee's avatar
    Experienced User

    Thank you Mike, I had to go with the duplicate option as you said and archive the incorrect one. 

    However, I now encounter error -4077 which I read that a "run a script" is needed on our company account. Can you assist with this?

    • Mike_James's avatar
      Ultimate Partner

      Hi LindaTee , MYOB staff will need to help you on this, I'm an independent consultant & developer.

  • Mike_James's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi LindaTee , the "I inventory..." setting cannot be changed (ticked) once there are transactions against the item, because the accounting settings change. The only workaround is to take a backup, export the items as they are, rename them in MYOB with a z in front, or similar, then amend the exported item list to add the inventory option (and the GL codes), then reimport. You end up with duplicates of each item, unavoidable.