Forum Discussion

met's avatar
Experienced Cover User
4 years ago

MYOB Team Features

We were exitited to set up MYOB Team App so that staff could log their hrs against activities and Jobs. However have since realised that the features are very limited:

- Staff need to select a Customer from the hundreds of customers that come up in the list and staff often do not know who the customer is as it may be set up with a name such as a Trust which is different to the name of the Job. This field is mandatory and does not have a field that they can just type in a Customer name or leave blank (the Cusomer name is picked up from the Job Number)

- Staff also need to select a job number, same as above. We have job numbers that go back 12 years and there is no option to just type in a job number.

It would also be better if one can allocate job numbers to staff in Myob so that only the jobs they are allocated to come up in their app profile.

Another reason for this is that some jobs are confidential and should not be visable to all staff.

The Total Hrs worked should also be optional to type in the number of hrs instead of having to put in a start and end time to calculate.  It takes staff too long to set the start and end.

Another thing we found to be awkward is that each time a new Job or Customer etc is added to MYOB, this is not picked up by the APP.  The User needs to log out and then log in again to be able to see the new entries.


I hope this feedback is useful for any advances MYOB intends to make with the software. It coudl be very useful if it were developed further.




  • Hi met


    Thank you for your post and feedback, we appreciate it. In regards to the jobs function this is something that has been raised with our team who are currently exploring the idea of this however I don't have any further information on this. That being said, I've passed this feedback on to the team for future consideration in the product enhancement. 

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  • Hi met


    Thank you for your post and feedback, we appreciate it. In regards to the jobs function this is something that has been raised with our team who are currently exploring the idea of this however I don't have any further information on this. That being said, I've passed this feedback on to the team for future consideration in the product enhancement. 

    • Mal3's avatar

      I too have a large number of jobs spanning a large number of years and a sizable number of Customers to match. It is down right difficult to navigate safely and accurately to a current Job. I was hopeful that marking the completed jobs inactive and or 100% complete may have solved this issue.

      If what is displayed on employee Team screen is either Open Work orders or the incomplete current jobs only, this would work and minimise incorrect data input from employees and save a lot of time.

      Please MYOB have a concerted look at this or advise at least a work around in the interim.

      • Melisa_D's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi Mal3


        Thank you for your post and welcome to the Community Forum! We appreciate your feedback on this and I've passed it on to the team, please be assured this is something that has been raised with our teams and they are exploring this idea. 

  • I just posted something almost identical to you.

    It is so frustration.


    Do you have other options?

    Or how are you working with this?