Hi RochelleC
I too am having the same issue. I do not think that the MYOB moderators go any further than the MYOB reports - actually logging on to the ATO and lodging the monthly PAYG. If they did, the would actually see what we are seeing on the ATO Business Portal.
The issue is that when lodging the monthly PAYG with the ATO the STP reporting is not showing that month's full gross payment $ value nor the PAYGW $ value - in our case, having not received the MYOB file for a fortnight's pay run.
This pay run does show in the pay runs section of MYOB with a total net pay $ value, but in the STP reporting section of MYOB Gross Payments is showing as $0 and PAYG Withholding is showing as $0 with a green "accepted".
It all may be very well that the MYOB reports are correct and correlate (including a pay run history) - but this does not answer the question as to why the MYOB file has not reached the ATO STP reporting portal ?
Further to this after sending an update event, the current payroll (last week) pops up in the bank transaction section of MYOB showing $0 value, and not being reconciled in the reconcile accounts section.
So MYOB moderators, there is plenty to worry about.
Can we too formally request a clear explanation as to why the ATO STP reporting is missing the MYOB file, that you so adamantly say not to worry about because the MYOB reports are correct ?
Also, if you do not know the answer please just advise the community - don't tell us to go off on a wild report goose chase - as the majority of people will have done everything in the power before they turn to the community for a solution.
Sending the update really does nothing in the whole scheme of things, it just creates further work for the client.