Forum Discussion

EmmaRO's avatar
4 days ago

Preparing Electronic Payments

HI there,

I'm getting this error 'The payment details for one or more of the employees you have selected are missing. Please update these details. Please select at least one transaction to include in the bank file.'

I've checked both employees bank details, they are unchanged & appear fine.  I've tried selecting one employee, then the other to progress but get the same error.  Looks like other have had the same issue recently.

    • Earl_HD's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi WES1089,

      We are currently aware of this issue and I can see that your file is already marked as affected. The current workaround is that as long as the card has been set up correctly, with the relevant bank account details, this error can be ignored as the bank file will be created with the bank account information.


  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hey EmmaRO,


    This one's a known issue when preparing electronic payments— the system's throwing the missing payment details error even when the employee's bank details are all good. The team's on it, and it's a priority to fix. No worries, I've added your account to the list of affected users, so you'll get an email update once it's sorted. In the meantime, you can ignore the error— if the bank details in the employee's card file are correct, the bank file will still be created properly.




    • WES1089's avatar
      Experienced User

      Unfortunately Doreen....can't get past the error message so no bank files are created

      please tell me a way round this

  • WES1089's avatar
    Experienced User

    Same here, same message and have been back  and checked all bank details.....have wasted so much time on this ...when will a fix be available as the pays are due out today?

  • I am having the same issue, pay is due today....

    • WES1089's avatar
      Experienced User

      hope this doesn't take as long to "fix" as the repair for the upgrade in accounting...which still isn't fixed

      Not sure who at MYOB to direct the Boys to for  bank fees for non payment of mortgages and direct payments, if this isn't fixed today