Forum Discussion

Sandy6's avatar
Contributing User
4 days ago

Cannot import CSV file into Budget

I have exported the existing budget into a CSV file. I have then entered the updated figures required into this downloaded CSV file. When I try to import the file, I am not able to do so and it comes up with an error message: The accounts list specified in the CSV file doesn't match your budget. 

I have not changed any of the accounts, only the amounts. 

I was able to complete this task yesterday, however it is not working today. I opened another MYOB file, exported the budget as a CSV file. Without making any changes to the CSV file, I immediately tried to import it and also received the same error message.

Thanks for your help with this.

6 Replies

  • Isaiah_C's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Sandy6,


    Thank you for the post. To avoid issues, please make sure to always start by exporting your current budget, even if it's blank, to a CSV file. This step ensures that the formatting and content of the file are correct and complete. Once it's exported, please note that there are some restrictions on what you can edit before importing it. 


    For detailed instructions, please refer to this link: Working with CSV budget files.




    • Sandy6's avatar
      Contributing User

      Hi Sai

      As I explained above, I have tried exporting a CSV budget, then immediately tried to import it. It will not work. Can you please check if there is a bug with MYOB preventing importing CSV files.


      • Jemar_C's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi Sandy6,


        Thank you for your post and I understand that you have already tried the steps provided by Isaiah_C . Upon checking there is no reported issues or bug with importing CSV files. If it still not working please check this thread as it has a workaround to fix this issue.



  • I am having the same problem. Spent hours trying to work out why yesterday, and had the payroll support remote in and spend an hour trying to work out why.  We still don't know why I can't import this latest weeks payroll csv file, when we have been doing it weekly for over 2 years. Comparing the previous weeks import log, to this one, and they are the same. 

    Is this a bug in the 2024.6 update that I did on the 19th Friday ?

    Also can't email an invoice that is in a lockdown period that the customer has requested.



    • Mike_James's avatar
      Ultimate Partner

      Hi PippaTristram , can you take a look at the current and previous csv files in Notepad, and see if the account number format differs. Eg hyphen, spaces?

      • Pippasdt's avatar

        Myself and the payroll program support (Crystal) did that yesterday. All the same as last weeks.