Forum Discussion

37093709's avatar
Experienced User
2 years ago

In Trary documents bot pre-filling in bills

I keep on getting the message 'We've used your document to fill in some details. Check the fields highlighted in blue,' but there is nothing filled in and no blue highlighted areas, not even the date or the invoice number. This is another of many annoying features of the new system that add a lot more time and effort into doing a simple task. The new system is a lot more inefficient thatn the old one. I hope that these problems will be fixed because they really mess with productivity.

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  • Yanike_S's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi 37093709 


    Thanks for your post. Which browser are you using? It might be worth clearing the cache or switching browser, to see if this solves it.


    When a bill is created from intray documents, the supplier to be used on the new transaction is read by the ABN Number on the document itself. Therefore, please ensure that the ABN on both the intray document and on the supplier card in the software is the same.  If the OCR engine couldn't see/read that field then a supplier won't be pre-filled but everything else like date, Amount, etc. should be filled.

    If no information is being read, as a troubleshooting step can you please try to choose the supplier manually and check if all the other fields are then pre-filled? 

    In case nothing works, please confirm the browser you are using and the exact steps you're following to create a new bill from the intray document and it would also be worth noting if it's only happening with specific suppliers or all of them. 

    • 37093709's avatar
      Experienced User

      I make a habit of regularly clearing the cache on my computer. I use Google Chrome which was recommended by a MYOB technician, I do not want to change browser. I have tried on two different computers, same result. I tried to enter the name first, and it still didn't pre-fill anything.

      The method I use is:

      Purchases > Bills > Create Bill > Prefill from a Source Document > Browse for Files > Select and Link, then it comes up with 'We've Prefilled ...', but usually nothing is prefilled. I tried with a bill whose supplier had an ABN in the system, and a few things were prefilled, but they were not highlighted in blue. Is checking against the ABN a new feature, it seemed like a lot more of my bills were prefilled in the old MYOB?

      • Yanike_S's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi 37093709 


        Also in the previous software it used the ABN to pick up the supplier. So check that the ABN listed on the supplier is the same as the ABN on the document and that there no duplicates. As for the other documents not prefilling, I have filed your details with the team looking after the OCR (optical character recognition), so they can continue to improve the service. 


        In the meantime if you could share the bills that are having issues, I could check it with my software for internal testing.