Forum Discussion

Ridson's avatar
2 years ago

Is It Possible to import code and qty into quote?

Hi All,


It makes me to spend lots of time on doing quote by search sku one by one. Is it possible to import code & qty into quote as my clients always select our exported stock list and we make quote for them.

It will be much appreciated if someone solve my problem.



3 Replies

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  • Celia_B's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Ridson 


    Thanks for posting.  If your code and qty are on your excel file, then you just need to import the file to enter it on the system.  


    Please let me know how you go. Feel free to post again. I'm happy to assist you. 


    If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.








    • Ridson's avatar



      Thank you for your reply.

      Please see attached photo and I cant find any import button 

      • Celia_B's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi Ridson 


        Thanks for your reply.  We recommend using a sample file, it works like a template and ensures the required information is entered in a format that MYOB accepts. These are handy if you have a list of items you've exported from another program or if you saved in a spreadsheet. Or click on the business name>> click import and export. 


        You can check on this Help Article: Importing Items


        Please let me know how you go, I'm happy to assist you further. 


