This "mandatory upgrade" really has me steamed! I was assured the Online Payments option could be turned off in settings (toggle off the "Allow Online Payments" and untick the BPay box). But come to find out that a new invoice created this morning had the Online Payments and BPay available to this customer - even though the "Allow Online Payments" and Bpay boxes were off/unticked! Why?? This is an abject failure on the part of MYOB.
Online payments should be an "OPT IN" feature, not an "OPT OUT". And in the Settings for Payments, the Online Payments say "ACTIVE" in a bright green icon, but there is no way for the subscriber to DEACTIVATE this activation!!
I have made lengthy phone calls over 3 separate days to MYOB, and still no satisfaction. I have asked for MYOB to DEACTIVATE the online payments for us. We never asked for it, we don't want it, and it is looks very much like a poorly disguised money grab by MYOB at the expense of small business and its customers.
Very dissatisfied.