Majority if not all MYOB subscribers are totally 'lost'.
This was caused by MYOB implementing changes that impact all subscribers without clear communication.
They didn't publish how 'secure' Invoicing will work and how much subscribers will be impacted. Email they send to subscribers regarding Invoicing Upgrade is more 'Marketing spill' 'wrapped' in Security blanket (like they doing that for security reason) but if fact there are 2% value of Invoice plus transaction fee $ MYOB charging ALL subscribers even if you only use MYOB to email invoice to customer.
If you look through track of community forum discussions you can see contradictory information like yes you can switch of and be still able to send Invoice through MYOB system. I was told by MYOB if you switch off you CANNOT send Invoice. If you send invoice through their system regardless how payment is made subscribers will be still charged 2% plus fee by MYOB.
If there is no hidden agenda ($$$) why MYOB didn't send email or publish to all of us and clearly explain changes impact. It is done quietly and in stages (not all subscribers at same time).
MYOB knew that subscribers will not accept enforcement to use MYOB system to pay Invoices (and be charged such high 2% plus fee. Many businesses can not even afford that.