Holly **bleep**.
Myob have been the biggest pains in the arse the whole time to deal with.
They are totally into locking users into their platform and gradually increasing the collection of information.
Take for instance the "InTray". It has very limited use. Its main use is however to keep electronic versions of all tax deductions.
And the Mobile Scanning tool only lets you scan the docket, not enter relevant information to complete the transaction, thus forcing you to spend more time later in the office sorting it out.
Sounds innocent enough, right?
MYOB now hold your tax information that you must keep for 5 or 7 years. So if you ever wanted to quit MYOB, you will be forced to keep paying their monthly subscription for up to 7 years after you have moved to another software, or even retired just so you can weather a Tax audit..
That's the business we are dealing with.
And now they want more information, and a cut of your profit on top of their ridiculous monthly subscription.
I say they have well and truly stepped outside their bounds.
Class Action.