Forum Discussion

LCrowhurst's avatar
Trusted Cover User
2 years ago

wrong supplier selected from Intray-cant change



i created a bill from the intray. its pulled up the wrong acocunt (it sohuld be Telstra TSuite not telstra Accounts wont let me change it:manfrustrated:

in the old MYOB I could change the name...not in this one :( 


also please see screenshot below.  its overlapping...

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  • LCrowhurst's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    LCrowhurst wrote:



    i created a bill from the intray. its pulled up the wrong acocunt (it sohuld be Telstra TSuite not telstra Accounts wont let me change it:manfrustrated:

    in the old MYOB I could change the name...not in this one CloverQ 


    also please see screenshot below.  its overlapping...


      • Steven_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi LCrowhurst 


        When a document is uploaded to the In Tray the system will attempt to scan the ABN listed on the document. This is then matched up with the list of suppliers' ABNs in your system to determine the selected Supplier for that transaction. So, if you are finding that the supplier is incorrectly being selected then do ensure that you have the appropriate ABN listed on that supplier's contact record.

        In terms of your query relating to changing the supplier once it has been selected, prior to saving the transaction you can make changes to the transaction. As soon as you select the Save button that supplier is locked into the transaction. Should the incorrect supplier be listed, it would be a matter of unlinking the document (if required) and then deleting the Bill before restarting that create bill process.