Forum Discussion

Valy's avatar
Experienced User
5 months ago

Error Message: Value of your inventory may not be less than zero


I am having an issue with adjusting 1 item out of stock (MYOB stock shows 1 on hand), it won't record the transaction and the following error message pops up "The value of your inventory may not be less than zero". 


How do i fix this?


Thanks for your help.



9 Replies

  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi tornadosolution,

    Thank you for your post, and welcome to the Community Forum! To assist you further, could you please send me a private message with the following information?

    Serial Number.
    Company File ID.
    Full name and Email.

    Looking forward to your response.

    • MagicHat's avatar
      Experienced User



      I have also been having the same problem, i have tried changing the value to allow me to use this 1 stock on hand. I have also spoken with someone through chat to have this fixed, and still no luck. Did you end up getting this fixed!!


      Looking forward to responses.





      • HI Jeninne

        I still have lots of issue in the inventory and just been told to have a way around to fix it. but that is not the point as it keep reoccurring. you have to keep pestering them to have this fixed once for all. please email them to DFR team <>

        and create a copy before they do anything on your file! 


        let me know how you go!



  • Shella_A's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Valy,


    Thanks for your post.


    My apologies for the delay in response. I'm sorry to hear about the error message you're receiving when adjusting items in your inventory. We've run some fixes on your account. We recommend logging out and logging back again to refresh your account, then redoing the process.


    Let me know how it goes.

    Otherwise, if my response has answered your inquiry, please click "Accept as Solution" to help other users find this.



    Kind regards,


    • Valy's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hello Shella,


      Thanks for the reply.


      I have logged out and logged back in as suggested and I still get the same answer. 


      What is the next step in fixing this?




      • HI Val


        I have the same issue I called them 3 times and no asnwer what so ever, I still have plenty out there,did you find out how to solve your issue?
