Forum Discussion

KWV's avatar
Contributing User
3 years ago

Customise Items List Display

Hi, Can i remove coloumn "Last Cost"from this Menu display. i need to delete this for every user all the time.

i found how i can remove but when i log in again it shows again.




3 Replies

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  • LRBooks61's avatar
    Ultimate Cover User

    Save it as a customised report ( you need to name it) and then you can access it when you want


    It will appear in the last tab in reports 


    Hope that helps



    • KWV's avatar
      Contributing User



      Thanks for the reply. this helps but i am afraid it is not the solution. i need to customise the main display to other users. the report can take a bit long to display.


      i will try this way and see if it suites the other users. Also we need to remove the dollar sign from the cost on the invoice , is this possible now??


      look forward to hear from you

