Forum Discussion

CarenH-J's avatar
4 years ago

Error 4077

Updating Item prices, getting the 4077 error, are you able to run the script on this file please.


File Online



  • Hi CarenH-J , if I can reply, that sounds like the values >$1000 were converted to "$1,234.56" (ie with commas and quotation marks) when the file was saved from Excel to text. You possibly need to format the amounts as general before saving. 

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  • Hi CarenH-J 


    I've arranged for the necessary script to be run for you. Do ensure that you close down and reopen that company file before trying that process again.


    Let us know how you get on.

    • CarenH-J's avatar

      Thanks Steven_M, how long will this take before I can rerun the import?

      • Steven_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi CarenH-J 

        It was completed just prior to my reply post. So just close down, reopen the file and you should be away to go.

    • Hello Steven,  I have the same error 4077 issue.


      I called support and they told me they would transfer me to the Account Right team so they can run the script on my file but I would need to wait 55min on hold before I could speak to a team member.


      The company file is: Online

      The last 4 digits are: 9036

      Company File ID # 1

      • Steven_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi Chris-SharpEdge 


        Thanks for providing that information. That script has been run for you. This should help mitigate that import message from occurring in that company file.