Hi Cel,
Thank you for getting back to me so quickly.
Please see my feedback below.
1. "we would recommend clearing the cache on the browser you are using." -- Tried, but doesn't work on Chrome.
2. "you can try it on a different browser" -- Tried on MS Edge, but doesn't work either, same issue.
3. "You can also try to run the report on desktop version. " - Yes, it worked.
4. "check all transactions on that date for any with a nill line ($0)" -- Checked, no transaction with nil $0 on 3/8/2023, the date the error starts.
It's also worth noting that there is a discrpancy in "Date range" between cloud-based and desktop versions. Not sure if it is the root cause of the problem?
Cloud-based -- 1/7/2023 to 30/6/2024 means "This financial year".
vs Desktop -- 1/7/2023 to 30/6/2024 means "Next year (2024)
Could you also advise on how to fix this discrepancy issue?
Thank you