Forum Discussion

WHE's avatar
2 years ago

Edit Job Number after Payroll is Processed

I want to edit a job number in Payroll that has been processed, I dont want to change anything else, just the job number. I posted a query yesterday regards this, and was given the advice to, as foll...
  • Genreve_S's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hi WHE


    Thanks for reaching out and welcome to the Community Forum. 


    I'm sorry to hear about your experience with support. Unfortunately, there is no way to edit the pay run. I understand that we are trying to change a very small detail in the pay, but the application does not have any option to do this. The only option we have in correcting this is to remake the pay run. If we don't report STP on the file, we could delete the previous pay run and remake it with the correct job numbers. If we report to STP, we will need to reverse the pay run and remake it to the right job number. 


    We appreciate your patience. Let us know if you require any further assistance with this. We're happy to help. 

