Forum Discussion

KHowson's avatar
Contributing Cover User
9 months ago

Exempt allowance from personal leave accrual

I have added some Allowance in to Payroll categories for an employee and I need to exempt these from accruing leave.

Under the Entitlement tab I have gone into Annual Leave - then Exempt - and tick the allowances, OK and OK and all is fine.

Then in Personal to do the same BUT I get a Error: entitlementPayroll caterogory_ExemptionsNotHourlyWages

Has anyone seen this before. I cannot save anything as this keeps coming up.

I have got all users out of MYOB thinking that maybe 2 of use had the same window open - No luck

I have checked all allowance setup and they are hourly (salary do not show in this list)

I am out of ideas!



  • Hi there KHowson


    It's a great thing that you were able to exempt the allowances from accruing any entitlements. However, with the error message received, here's a Community Forum post that you can check on how to correct the situation. It worked for other users, so this will work for you too! If there's anything you need to assistance with, feel free to drop us a post again.


    Best regards,


  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi there KHowson


    It's a great thing that you were able to exempt the allowances from accruing any entitlements. However, with the error message received, here's a Community Forum post that you can check on how to correct the situation. It worked for other users, so this will work for you too! If there's anything you need to assistance with, feel free to drop us a post again.


    Best regards,


    • KHowson's avatar
      Contributing Cover User

      Hi Doreen


      Just gave that a try it fixed the issue

      Thanks so much for your help


      Regards Karen