Forum Discussion

darcygo's avatar
9 months ago

Import export failing on deduction payroll category

Hello forum!

So I've tried everything to get this custom payroll category deduction to work via the import assistant and no matter what I've tried I can't seem to get it to work for this employee on the clear water company file. I always get the error "Error -216: Payroll category not found." when I try to import a timesheet csv seen below. There are NO spaces in the name of the category and I've even tried and can't get it to import correctly with the out of the box deductions payroll category. Please advise what I'm doing wrong? If there is another way around this like adding something under a different category that would work please let me know. I have attached all the necessary photos below. For context we are using an external salary packaing provider which is a benefit provided to charities by the government, they calculate and do the admin for our employees and we want to import a file that updates our myob with those deductions each pay cycle which vary.

0 records imported without errors.
0 records imported with warnings.
1 records skipped.

Summary of errors
Error -216: Payroll category not found.



Employee Card ID

Employee Co./Last Name

Payroll Category







3 Replies

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    • Earl_HD's avatar
      MYOB Moderator

      Hi darcygo,

      Thank you so much for your detailed post with screenshots and welcome to the Community Forum! 

      Upon reviewing the error log, it has come to our attention that your payroll category is not linked to the respective employees. We kindly request that you please verify whether these links are established correctly.

      In addition, it would be beneficial to take the following steps:

      1. Check the linking of payroll categories to employees in your system.
      2. Ensure that the connections are set up accurately.

      Please do let me know how you go on this.

      • darcygo's avatar

        Hey Earl_HD 
        Awesome thanks so much as you can see in the second last photo the employee that I'm after is linked and the connections are setup correctly.