Forum Discussion
The error "net::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID" usually indicates a potential issue with the SSL certificate. You can troubleshoot this by following these steps:
- Clear your cache to resolve any issues caused by outdated or corrupted data stored in your browser
- ensure that the SSL certificate is correctly configured and matches the domain name
- Make sure that all required fields, especially the "Threshold" field, are filled with valid values
We also suggest reaching out to your IT expert for more assistance.
- 3 months ago
hi Princess_R thank you for your reply
1. I have tried clearing the cache and even login via incognito mode still the webpage is not loading
2. the domain name is valid and correct
3. I have no idea how to fill threshold values please help on this
Thank you!
in addition can i raise issue with MYOB team for this case please help me with their email id
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