Pre-Tax Novated Lease/SG Superannuation
I understand that SGC is not payable on Salary Sacrifice Pre-Tax portions of Novated Leases or Salary Sacrifice items other than Superannuation.
When setting up these accounts in MYOB I can only find ATO Reporting Category: Salary Sacrifice - Other Employee Benefits as a choice.
This reporting category does not give any options or information relating to whether or not SG Super should be applied to it, and is calculating SG Super on this amount.
Is there another way to set up this deduction so that it reduces the gross total for calculation of SG Super?
Hi SuzanneDenny,
We appreciate your suggestion to have a deduction option that reduces the Gross amount for the calculation of SGC on Pre-Tax salary sacrificed amounts. I recommend posting this to our MYOB AccountRight Ideas Exchange board for future updates consideration. In the meantime, making manual adjustments is the best approach.