Forum Discussion

judiw's avatar
Cover User
3 years ago

Re: Annual Leave on Payslip do not matched with Entitlement Report



I have the same problem.


I have spent 3 hours on the phone to support, with two dropped lines.

They have called back and ot me to run a pay "Bonus & Commission" for all employees and send to ATO, but this has not changed anything.  I was then told nothing can be done for now.

Before calling MYOB I had adjusted the Balance Adjustment column on the employee card so the balances on the Detailed Entitlement report have the correct carry forward from June 2021.

The employee was terminated on Feb 11th and AL balance paid out.

Reemployed May 1st but Entitlements not ticked back on (my mistake). I need all balances to be Zero, then I can add the new accruals with Zero payrun.

Any ideas?





  • Hi judiw 


    When a termination date is entered on an employee card, all the leave entitlements in card Pay History will be deleted (you will be prompted with an alert when entering a termination date). But the leave accrual history is still retained in the reports as the pays are still saved in the file. When you reinstate the card and remove the termination date > Pay History doesn't pull up the leave accrual figures back. Hence Entitlement balance detail report issue throws a difference. 


    To fix this you will have to send your file in for a Datafile repair. Please send me the following information via private message and I will pass this on to the right team.


    • Copy of the entitlement balance detail report showing this Difference
    • Serial number
    • The employee's name
    • The date of termination
    • The date of reinstatement
    • The type of leave they are needing corrected. e.g do they have long service leave? Standard we just correct the personal leave and annual leave
  • AlphaCo's avatar
    Contributing User

    Hi Judi,


    I think you will have to create a new post as one of the team member contacted me and had me send over the myob file. Apparently it is an error or bug in myob, where they have to fixed the file itself.

    Hope that helps, cheers.

  • LRBooks61's avatar
    Ultimate Cover User


    The balances are not deleted so I suggest that you figure out what the current accrual should be and do a balance adjustment in the employee card to reflect this. This is the only workaround.


    You won't need to do a payrun to fix this way also.


    Otherwise as was advised by Yanike you need to do a data file repair


    Hope this helps



  • Hi judiw 


    When a termination date is entered on an employee card, all the leave entitlements in card Pay History will be deleted (you will be prompted with an alert when entering a termination date). But the leave accrual history is still retained in the reports as the pays are still saved in the file. When you reinstate the card and remove the termination date > Pay History doesn't pull up the leave accrual figures back. Hence Entitlement balance detail report issue throws a difference. 


    To fix this you will have to send your file in for a Datafile repair. Please send me the following information via private message and I will pass this on to the right team.


    • Copy of the entitlement balance detail report showing this Difference
    • Serial number
    • The employee's name
    • The date of termination
    • The date of reinstatement
    • The type of leave they are needing corrected. e.g do they have long service leave? Standard we just correct the personal leave and annual leave