Forum Discussion

Unknown8580's avatar
Contributing User
2 years ago




I am trying to send an update event for STP2 but received following warning stating "something went wrong". How can I fix this? Thanks!  

11 Replies

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  • Leneth_A's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Thanks for your post. Please allow me to extend you a very warm welcome to the Community Forum. I hope you find it a useful tool.


    In this matter, you may send an update event for STP2 when you sign in to using the browser.


    Please let me know how it goes.


    If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.



    • Unknown8580's avatar
      Contributing User

      Hi Leneth,


      I sent the update event using MYOB browser but received the error that I attached earlier. 


      It keeps giving me the same error notification after multiple trials. 


      FYI, i already have the full admin permission for the MYOB file. 

      • Leneth_A's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi Thanks for the update.


        Can you check if the employee sending update event to ATO is added as declarer for STP ? To add declarer please check this Help Article Add a declarer for Single Touch Payroll reporting.


        Please don't hesitate to post again if you need help in the future.


        If my response has answered your enquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.



    • kjm's avatar
      Trusted Cover User


      I am helping Unknown8580 with this issue. We are alreadsy using the to submit this. That is what the screenshot is from


      The return http status code is a 500 internal server. This is not something that is happening on our side.  

      The post is being sent and is not being blocked by our firewall or anything like that. It is being sent from to the ATO servers I presum and is failing there. I have included the bottom picture whic is us performing the exact same thing using a different myob file. The response is successful and the payload is that is being sent is identical. This proves that our environment is not at fault as we ar ebeing able to send successfully. I deduce from this that we are successfully sending the requests to MYOB and MYOB server are then trying to send the request to ATO and it is failing there. 

      I need to know what the contingency for this is. We are getting close to an incredibly busy time of year and I suspect getting any support soon from MYOB will be difficult.  I need to know where we stand if we cannot get this fixed before EOFY

      This is stopping us from being able to correct our STP2. 


      1. Are other customers having this problem? or are other customerrs able to send this update event?

      2. I have included all debug information from the browsers (we've tried both Edge and Chrome).


      Please give us some information we can use