Forum Discussion

MalikKaleel's avatar
12 months ago

STP year date does not match with payroll summary



I try to run new payroll with zero balance for all staff to updated the year to wages report but it show follwoing error.


an application operation has timed out. 


as our Payroll summary ( cumulative and ATO report does not match) , so thought of running new pay run to correct the year date figure.


is there any other way I can update the year to figure in ATO ?

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  • Hi MalikKaleel 


    Thank you for your post. I'd like to extend you a warm welcome to the Community Forum. I hope you find it a valuable resource.


    To correct the figures sent to the ATO, kindly go to STP reporting >> select the send update event. This will notify the ATO with the $0 payrun.


    It would be best to always check your payroll reports before processing a $0 payrun or a send update event.



    Are we able to solved your concern? If YES, please click on "Accept as Solution". If NO, please feel free to reply on this post and we are more than happy to assist.


