Forum Discussion

Bonnsway's avatar
Contributing Cover User
2 years ago


I am having trouble connecting the STP to the ATO.  Ive been on the phone to MYOB 3 times.  First time for 3hrs 2nd time 3hrs third time 2 hrs.  I was suposed to get a call from a support team person at 1.30 today and of course no call.  I dont have the time nor should my client pay for my time to sort this our when its not his fault nor mine.  How does anyone get REAL support that actually help.  I am sooooooo frustrated with the LACK of support received from MYOB

  • Hello, Bonnsway first of all I'm very sorry for this inconvenience. Rest assured that I'm here to assist you in this inquiry.

    Can you please confirm if you have any error messages when connecting your STP to the ATO? Kindly post it here so that we can take action on it.




    • Bonnsway's avatar
      Contributing Cover User

      Yes I get error messages.  I am just setting up the STP so I go to payroll Reporting then get started.   Says "Youll need to set up single touch payrol in ARL browser.  Click Go to Browser.  Sometiimes is propmts to sign in Again, then I get a list of my businesses.  When I click on the business Im trying to set up I get an error message "SOMETHING WENT WRONG.  IF THE ISSUE PERSISTS, CONTACT MYOB SUPPORT SELECT A BUSINESS AND TRY AGAIN.  I have no issue with any of the other businesses in my list.

      • Hannah_V's avatar
        MYOB Staff

        Hi, Bonnsway thanks for clarifying about this error message. I'll be happy to check it further.

        Will you send me a private message of your Serial Number, your First and Last Name, Company File Name that you're trying to connect to ATO.


        Also, please attach a screenshot of this error messages.


    • Bonnsway's avatar
      Contributing Cover User

      Once again, MYOB support have said they would call me bfore 9am.  Now 9.10am and no call.  I have to go to another client now so I wonder when or IF they will call.  Just getting more and more **bleep** off with this and wasting my time where I could be earning money working productively for my clients

    • Bonnsway's avatar
      Contributing Cover User

      First File is when I Click on payroll reporting, then click go to browser.  If Ive log in for the first time in the day I get a list of my business.  Then when I click on the business Midcoast Jetski I get the message in the second file.  Someone from MYOB support phoned at 10.30 (suposed to be 9.00am) , I told them I wasnt in front of my computer as I was with another client.  They told me to got to user access and delete my email address from the user name - administrator and add another user and use my name and email address which Ive done but hasnt made any difference.  The person said that if that didnt work then it is an issue in the back end of MYOB ??

      They are suposed to phone me at 9am in the morning - I dont believe that will happen.  I only have about 15min to be able to speak to them as I am going out of town for 3 days. 


      Thanks for trying to help.






      • Hannah_V's avatar
        MYOB Staff

        My apologies for having this experience, Bonnsway.


        I also saw the attached screenshot here, to fix the issue,  please send me a private message with the following information:

        • Serial Number
        • First and Last Name
        • Company Name


