Forum Discussion

Helen17's avatar
Experienced User
2 years ago

Super not accruing

A new employee commenced on 9.01.2023 and he recently advised that Superannuation was not showing on his payslip.

It appears he was not set up correctly in MYOB inititally.

Please advise how we can calculate 7 weeks worth of superannuation and how to process it so that the employee has correct amount of superannuation the he is entitled to.



2 Replies

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  • Hi


    I would run a separate pay run for this employee. When starting the payroll, choose 'Process all employees paid: Bonus/Commission" - as this will clear out any standard pay element and provide a 'blank' payslip.


    You'll need to manually calculate the super due from the employees pays. Then put the unpaid Super amount in Superannuation Guarantee at the bottom of the payslip, and continue processing until recorded. 


    I would personally choose 'Pay Slip Delivery Status: Already Printed or Sent' so that the employee doesn't get a $0 payslip (but you can opt to send this to the employee as proof that you've fixed the Super issue).


    Hope that helps/makes sense :)

