Forum Discussion

kiltmaker's avatar
3 years ago

Super payments

I have not changed my settings at all, but I now have 2 super payments, showing the status of processing payment, I know MYOB have changed clearance houses, but this delay seems unusual. I want it taken out of my account the next day not a week later

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  • Hi kiltmaker 


    The Pay Superannuation service has been temporarily disabled while our teams deal with a duplication error with payment. 


    While we do understand that some users would like to process their superannuation and have payments sent through to the superannuation funds as soon as possible, our primary focus is on dealing with the duplication payments. Enabling that service at this time, may compound the problem and further prevent funds from returning to individuals.


    We do hope to have that service enabled later this week so that those payments can be made. We will have more information available for users once that service has been re-enabled.


    Please let me know if you need further help.