Have received my first online payment, it hasn't automatically done anything in accountright
Hi all
I have received my first online credit card payment here in NZ after a week or so.
I have used the Online payment report function to view where the money has come from and how any fees and surcharges are made up
So at this stage in my bank feed I am showing a payment of $282.64 has been put into my bank account.
The original invoice was for $281.75 so a difference of 89cents extra
So now I have an Open invoice in Accountright and a bank payment made to me of $282.64
From what I read this should have automatically closed the invoice and allocated the fees to my Merchant Fees ledger fees account that I have chosen and saved in the Online settings?
And also the payment should have been recorded in the bank account for Undeposited funds (I have seen that I hadnt selected the correct account for this, it had defaulted to a Trade Debtors account but I cant see it in there either, and have since changed it to the Undeposited funds account). At setup time for Online Payments I wasnt told I had to link any other accounts... only the Ledger account for Merchant fees.
So any advice please what I need to do now, and what/how its meant to happen in the future? I have read what I can in the online help sections.