Forum Discussion

LeilaYuan's avatar
2 years ago

Annoying mannual login required every day

It's so annoying and silly that MYOB now even removed the "trust for 30 days", where we have to manually input both email address and password every single day. 


The silly thing is that the "trust device for 12 hours" function is used as an advantage. 


How do developers feel about manually login all systems you use every day?


Live chat said that the removal of trust for 30 days is as per users' request. This is even more silly. the need to log in every 30 days was already a competitive DISADVANTAGE compared with other accounting systems which auto-login can be set up at the beginning of users' journey. Instead of fixing it, MYOB made it even worse by removing it. 


Currently: input of BOTH email and password is required everyday

No setting to remember email at least

No setting to custom login setting to allow users to personalize the trust on the device


When some users don't need to "trust for 30 days", they could easily opt to not use that function and request "do not remind". But MYOB, on this occasion, removes this optional function for ALL users without considering the inconvenience of other users and leaves us no option but to take on this INCONVENIENCE. 

  • Jo15's avatar
    Experienced Cover User



    I have been exporting and importing tonight from my Trade only Myob's the days sales and purchase orders. 1st I backup the Trade Myobs, then I restore the backup to extract the transaction and import into the main Accounting Myob.


    I have now been asked 7 time to enter my email, password and code from my phone.  This is madness.  


    Also, since late week, when you restore a backup to your library file for exporting transaction, the first option is now to upload the file to the cloud.  This is so dangerous.  When you are restoring backups to seek historical information you can easily update to the cloud and override your current file with the historical file.  Loosing your current file in the cloud. This is straight out madness.


    I have at least times 7  myob files open during the day as our company is a multicompany operation, with trade Myob's at our retail stores.  Also, several companies in our Group of companies.


    Myob is becoming unfriendly for companies and users to use.  I feel we will have to look at other software in the near future.


    Also, with the email received from Myob regarding ATO and new security.  Out of all our company Myob files, only 3 have Payroll actually operating.  All other Myob files are Trading only and have nothing to do with the ATO.  The Trade only files are used at the retail level and are used to export transactions at the end of each day.



  • MezIndustries's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I keep seeing the words, you should only have to login once, however there is obviously a bug in your system as like many others we are having to login with login, password and 2FA each and every time, on every file and even the same file if you open, close and reopen with seconds. you have a problem with your system. this happened to me a while ago and I had to ring support to sort it out and it has now happened again. you will be inundated with calls if you do not resolve this issue as it is extremely annoying to many busy MYOB users everywhere!

    • Mike_MYOB's avatar
      Community Manager

      Hi MezIndustries , this was a bug from our latest version release on AccountRight. We released a patch to fix it yesterday and this shouldnt be happening anymore.
      I believe if people are opening multiple instances of AccountRight to view multiple files concurrently, then each instance of AccountRight will require login.
      Outside of this scenario, if switching between files in a single instance of the software, there are no additional login prompts. 2FA is a 24 hour requirement and will be prompted on the first time you access the software for the day 

  • Toban's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    if there is some crazy requirement to login every 20-30 minutes why cant there be a least an option to remember login remember username and password on the same computer? 
    having to retype it every single time is just another small inconvenience and time waste that no one needs

  • MezIndustries's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I am a BAS Agent for multiple businesses, most are with MYBO, yes I have the need to have multiple files opened at once. if not then when a client rings to ask a question I would need to logout of what I am doing to open another file. Again as said by many others, the constant logging in is a total waste of time. surely there is a better way to handle this.