Myob not sending verification to gmail for in tray forwarding
MYOB is not sending verification code back to gmail, Below is from MYOB support this function is not working when i send and email with an attachment i can see from Gmail message id that it is being delivered to MYOB nut the atttachment does not appear in the in tray. When i send without and attachment i get a bounce back email from MYOB which also tells me it is being received from MYOB.
I am using MYOB accountright desktop version
Automatically forward documents from Gmail to In Tray
AccountRight 2020.1 onwards
You can set up Gmail to automatically forward documents to In Tray. If you’re not familiar with setting up email forwarding in Gmail, we recommend speaking with your IT professional.
You’ll need to enter your MYOB In Tray email address as an automatic forwarding address in Gmail’s settings and send a verification code to In Tray. Wait for MYOB to send the verification code back and then enter the code in your Gmail account settings.
Once you've completed these steps, your supplier documents will forward automatically from Gmail.
If you only want to forward certain kinds of messages to In Tray, you can create a filter in Gmail for these messages.
Hi SteveFen,
Thanks for posting this. The verification issue you're experiencing is something the team is aware of and has already been raised. However, we don't have a definitive timeline for when this will be fixed.