Forum Discussion

Siame's avatar
2 years ago

Subscription update required ? but it is paid and i have the latest version?????

Hi so when entering the desktop of Account Right it says that I need a "Subscription update required: we've had problems processing the payment for your AccountRight Live subsciption. Please update you account within 0 days, otherwise the subsciption for this company file will be suspended and the file will become read-only"....


Okay I have paid for the subsciption via the browser about 4-5 days ago.. It has bee processed according to my bank statement.. so i dont know why it is bringing up this message..


Oh and when I click 'update' below AccountRight's message it takes me straight to the browser where there are softwere update option which I do not need since i have the 2023.12.0 version which wont need to be updated understand the begining of next year..


When I clicked to install the 'latest version' just incase maybe I DO need to update it, it downloads, does its thing and when I open it up.. the same message reapears!


i dont know what to do! i can't find any similair posts with my issue or anything that's listened on the website...


so really, im back at square one and i dont know what the issue is with MyOb (AccountRight), how to fix it and where to get help..


I need to gain access to MyOb asap!! it is very important and i need to sort this out soon!!


Please call me on 438 or email me on info* if anyone can help!!


*Post edited due to sensitive information provided through public post. ^DP

  • Doreen_P's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi, Siame


    Thanks for your post.


    We understand how frustrating and urgent this situation is for you. It's disheartening to encounter technical issues, especially when you've already taken the necessary steps to address them. It's clear that you've diligently made the payment and have the latest software version installed. We were able to fix the issue you're having on your end. Kindly log out and log back into your account to see if it's working now.


    Please let us know if further assistance is needed.


    Best regards,


    • Siame's avatar

      Hi Doreen,


      Thank you so much for helping me out! Unfortunately, I'm still having issues accessing MyOb through the desktop.


      I have attached below the messages that pop up whenever I try to log in. 


      What can I do to solve this issue? 


      • Doreen_P's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi, Siame


        Thanks for updating us.


        Kindly check if you are on the latest version of AccountRight by going to Help > About MYOB AccountRight. If you're not yet on the latest version, kindly check our website Downloads to install one. Once done, restore your company file, and then try to activate the file again. Also, you may check the Help Article: About activation and confirmation for more information.


        Please let us know how it goes.


        Best regards,
