Checking pay run failed - again
in a previous post re an unrelated matter Tracey advised:
If you get an error when recording a pay run that it has failed the STP, click on Update details to check the error code. Or, you can click on Payroll Reporting>>Check Payroll Details in the desktop to view any issues. Please feel free to send us screenshots of any errors so that we help resolve them.
It seems each time I have to do a payrun with either someone new being added or someone leaving the company and unused holiday pay being paid out or anything else out of the ordinary, I am getting an error message. Unfortunately the error does not provide any insight as to what is the cause or even who it relates to. I am now already doing pays that falls into the above class separately, so at least I know which staff member is affected.
Today's final pay for someone came up again with this error and I attach screenshots. Using the online version it just says failed and to try again. Same result and I don't see any option for "Update Details". In the desktop version running the Payroll Reporting , Check Payroll details I am getting "nice one". So how do I proceed. Why is MYOB not providing clear error messages?
Then after having run the other payroll with the standard pays without issues, I tried again the individual final pay and this time without having made any changes, it was accepted. It's just weird.